
Modern Slavery

The company is committed to operating responsibly in accordance with all applicable government laws & regulations and fostering a culture of honesty, integrity, accountability, all employees (representatives) are expected to stick to set standards when acting on the behalf of Ironarc pty ltd. All officials, subtractors are required to review the Anti-Slavery Policy on regular basis after they are joined/hired by the Ironarc.

Definition of Modern slavery:

All representatives shall:

  1. Understand and comply with this policy, from directors to bottom level of management and workshop.
  2. Modern slavery include but not limited to: forced work, owned or controlled by as employer, dehumanised, debt bondage, human trafficking, constrained, child labour, exploitation (physical or mental)etc.
  3. Everyone from Ironarc Pty Ltd has obligation to report, any kind of slavery within premises, supply chain, exploitation of workers (foreign), or working under any penalty forced by employer etc.
  4. Management responsible to identify potential area of work, where slavery can take place and appropriate action plan to be defined to prevent the slavery.
  5. An awareness program within the organization should be introduced to make every one aware of slavery kinds, risks in involve, reporting of unfair treatment of people etc.
  6. Its responsibility of the organization to convey information about Australian Anti-slavery act -Modern Slavery Act-2018 .
  7. When and where any modern slavery act violation noticed, an action plan shall be design and implement my management to eliminate the discrepancy in the system.


Environment Policy

Ironarc has a core value that commits to minimizing the environmental impact of its work and in turn assisting clients in reducing their environmental impact.

The Company’s objective is to be environmentally aware and responsible within its circle of influence. To achieve this objective IRONARC will develop a Corporate Environmental Management System founded on the ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System model.

The system uses the contribution of our employees in all relevant aspects of the business such that:

  • Environmental standards are regularly reviewed, updated and maintained.
  • Compliance with relevant standards and statutory regulations is ensured.
  • A focus on preventative strategy will be pursued rather than waiting for accidents to occur.
  • Pollution of the environment will be prevented by the way that the organization undertakes its business activities and operations.
  • If an accident occurs, it will be recorded and fully investigated. Remedial action will be taken, and appropriate measures taken to prevent recurrence.
  • Clear directions are given to personnel engaged in environmentally sensitive activities.
  • Where possible using environmentally friendly cleaning products. • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Assist customers in making environmentally sensitive choices.
  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.


Organization will maintain and improve upon its environmental performance by:

  1. Training staff as required.
  2. Pursuing waste minimization and continuous environmental improvement programs.
  3. Establishing mechanisms to recycle natural resources
  4. Reducing the amounts of material and energy consumed.
  5. Where appropriate, improving and rehabilitating the natural environment.
  6. Implementing appropriate new technologies.

We expect that all employees will become familiar with this policy, understand it and support it, in all they do with environmental implications and demand the same commitment from their workmates.


Risk Management Policy

We accept risk as an inherent part of our business, but we do so only on the basis that we can effectively identify, manage, and mitigate/eliminate it. Informed and astute risk management is fundamental to the commercially prudent conduct of our business.

Our Risk Management processes and procedures are based on AS 4360/AS45001 “Risk Management”.


  • Identify potential risks.
  • Manage the potential adverse consequences of the risk elements by implementing our procedures when undertaking the work.
  • Control commercial effects on our business by not accepting or by transferring residual adverse financial consequences.
  • To effectively implement these processes and procedures we:
  • Take on the appropriate management structures that are adequately resourced.
  • Appropriately capture information, monitor, and report.
  • Continually appraise and develop our management structure, procedures, skill levels, and technology.


Quality Policy

We are committed to implementing and maintaining a management system that will improve efficiency and productivity and ensure that all services provided meet with the requirements of our customers.

The primary goal of this policy and all associated procedures is to ensure that we fully understand our customers’ requirements and to conform to these requirements at all times.

The Objectives of this policy are to:

  • Provide adequate resources to establish, audit, and maintain the management system.
  • Communicate this policy to all employees through inductions and training.
  • Ensure that the management system is implemented on all sites.